Mental Health Blocks in your Home

I am the First and Only Professional Organiser in the UK to be qualified to support your mental health whilst we work together.

Clutter in the home can cause anxiety in oneself, but if you already suffer with your mental health, be that Depression, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Anxiety, to name a few. I can help you to overcome the barriers holding you back from having an organised home.

If you suffer from a mental health condition, clutter in your home is not going to help things. You may find it hard to organise things, plan your time or create systems to help your daily routine.

With my qualification in Mental Health First Aid, and my own experience of mental health issues, I can help you to achieve the home that makes sense to you and your busy life.

I can help you to make decisions about what is clutter and what just needs a better home. I will create systems and solutions to suit your individual needs and leave you with a completely organised home where you know where everything is.

If you want to know more, book a CALL now.

Disclaimer – I am NOT a mental health professional. I cannot diagnose, counsel or prescribe. I am a First Aider for Mental Health, meaning that I can support your current diagnoses.

Mental Health Blocks in your home